We provide insurance solutions that keep you farming at the top of your game.

Chase higher yields. Seize marketing opportunities. Sleep well at night.

Our flagship product, full coverage production cost insurance offers forward-thinking producers with an unrivalled risk management solution. We cover your investment in production inputs and a gross margin you select to guarantee your farm’s revenue.

Not only are you protected in a worst-case scenario, you’re also positioned to take advantage of marketing opportunities that are simply too risky for most producers with traditional farm insurance products.

Production Cost Insurance covers the cost of your direct inputs:




it provides coverage for your farm’s gross margin, protecting your ability to manage fixed costs and keep your long-term plan on-track

We start by covering your direct inputs costs: seed, fertilizer, and chemical.

Next, we use your own farm’s historical performance to protect your upside. You choose the gross margin you want to insure, based on how your farm qualifies.

During the year, we want you farming for your very best crop. If you decide to increase your inputs, your coverage grows automatically. Your premiums don’t increase.

The total coverage provided by Production Cost Insurance locks-in your risk at the beginning of the year. Even in the worst case scenario, you know exactly where you stand.

Production cost insurance helped Brook Haven Farms weather hailstorms, a wet harvest, and an early snow.

Custom Solutions Built for Your Farm

Our coverage options can be customized to your farm, providing next-generation insurance that matches your risk tolerance, stacks with other coverage, and even integrates with AgriStability.
Book a your complimentary consultation with one of our expert advisors today.

Full Coverage:

Production Cost Insurance

Our flagship whole-farm, multi-peril risk management solution covers your input costs and a gross margin you select over and above those costs.

Our most comprehensive coverage protects you against even the most devastating agricultural scenarios.

Fixed Cost Margin

Covers just your gross margins above any input costs.

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Band Coverage

Only covers the risk that you are really worried about.

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Shared Risk

Choose a set % of coverage from us, you cover the rest.

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Insures around AgriStability coverage for less.

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Production cost insurance helped Brook Haven Farms weather hailstorms, a wet harvest, and an early snow.

Global Ag Risk Solutions is now

a part of HUB International